Following a recommendation of Mana-na Woorn-tyeen Maar-takoort - Every Aboriginal Person has a Home: The Victorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework (External link) (VAHHF), the Aboriginal Private Rental Access Project (APRAP) report and recommendations arising from the report have been delivered to the Victorian Government for consideration. The report and recommendations aim to:

  • provide analysis of systemic problems and other access barriers Aboriginal people encounter accessing private rental identified through the research
  • include examples and case studies illustrating the problems and barriers to accessing private rental accommodation and any successful access strategies used by individuals or support services, and
  • make recommendations for reform and other policy intervention.

The APRAP was guided by close input and engagement with the Aboriginal community. The Project Steering Committee included:

  • Aboriginal representation
  • research undertaken with Aboriginal renters, and
  • support and commitment from members and representatives of the Victorian Indigenous Housing and Homelessness Network.

The recommendations have been endorsed by the VAHHF Implementation Working Group Koori Caucus.

The report was commissioned by the Consumer Policy Research Centre (External link) (External link) and conducted by researchers at Swinburne University of Technology, on behalf of the Commissioner for Residential Tenancies, Victorian Legal Aid (External link) (External link) and Aboriginal Housing Victoria (External link) (External link).

The project report and recommendations were delivered in August 2022. The recommendations were endorsed by the VAHHF Implementation Working Group Koori Caucus. The project recommendations are currently being implemented with oversight by the Aboriginal Private Rental Access Committee.

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